With a little help from friends #17
It’s always nice to have a little help from friends – thanks Tobin and Shane! The final track certainly started to make our lounge room look small!
It’s always nice to have a little help from friends – thanks Tobin and Shane! The final track certainly started to make our lounge room look small!
This is our Christmas Train Track and our favourite so far. We had a close call when putting the star on top – “wobble” would be an understatement. See if you can spot a black and a white cat in the background 🙂
This week we decided to launch into the air. With the addition of a few homemade supports we are now attaining some serious ground clearance. If you have any suggestion for future tracks please let us know!
This week we went for spirals – rather like the effect we achieved.
Ok, so this track nearly beat me. Perhaps we got a little to adventures without enough tracks to carry it off. Indeed the balancing act with the bridges took about 45 minutes and then …. well … watch and see.
This week Granny was in town and was keen to help. Indeed she managed to build our most impressive bridge so far!
This week Keira was down with the flu as we did the track — You can see here just sitting in my lap for half of the build. Lucky we had uncle Connor staying with us. He managed to step in and help finish the track off (he also bought chips which is always are winner!).
Week 10! We’ve gone double digits 🙂  Arya is now picking and choosing which tracks to lay and then handing them to me. She also decides when we will finish filming at the end!
This weeks track went large rather than complex – and Arya was there to help with a blue bucket to put everything away in. Absolute trooper!
Week 8 was a bit of challenge – so far we’ve being sticking to the red carpet. Not sure that’s going to work much longer – we have too much track!